Featured Government News UK

East Grinstead Mayor responds to criticism, confirms he hasn’t taken Scientology cash

The Mayor of East Grinstead Steve Ody has confirmed he has not taken any money from the Church of Scientology after receiving criticism online for deleting a post about funding. On Friday, The Mayor posted on X (formerly Twitter) “I can [continue reading…]

Featured News UK

Diane Abbott MP calls for fraud investigation into Scientology’s UK activities

Former Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott has written to the United Kingdom’s tax office (HMRC) calling for an investigation into the Church of Scientology and their finances, claiming “Scientology has a history of fraudulent activity internationally”.

Europe Featured Finances Lawsuits

Scientology executives charged in $1.7 million fraud scandal

The Church of Scientology is facing seizure of its assets in Hungary after prosecutors charged eleven executives and finance personnel with fraud in a $1.7 million tax evasion scandal. Following a lengthy investigation into Scientology’s activities by Hungary’s National Tax and Customs Administration, the Chief Prosecutor’s Office filed charges against Scientology yesterday, alleging a cover-up scheme to avoid paying tax on the sale of books and courses over the years 2012-2017.

COSRECI Featured Finances News

Scientology fraud: UK bank responds to criticism

Scientology’s UK bank NatWest, which was fined £264 million in 2021 for failing to prevent money laundering, has issued a statement after allegations emerged of the Church engaging in credit card fraud.

COSRECI Featured Finances

10 years of Scientology’s UK Financial Accounts

Since being rejected by the Charity Commission in 1999, Scientology has operated in the United Kingdom through an Australian-registered charity called COSRECI (Church of Scientology Religious Education College, Inc). As such, their revenue is considered ‘foreign income’ and is exempt from [continue reading…]


Money Motivated: A history of Scientology’s financial schemes

The Church of Scientology has been engaged in numerous financial schemes for well over 50 years. With the ‘Bridge to Total Freedom’ costing parishioners anywhere from $250,000 to $1 million, staff members operate under constant pressure to develop strategies that generate [continue reading…]

Corporate Structure COSRECI Featured Finances Tax Exemption

Scientology’s $100 million DEBT Problem

Recent financial filings with the Australian Charities & Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) paint a worrying financial picture for Scientology’s UK operations. Operating through an Australian-registered entity known as COSRECI (Church of Scientology Religious Education College, Inc), Scientology are required to file annual [continue reading…]

COSRECI Finances

Numbers Don’t Lie: Evidence Scientology is Shrinking in the UK

In the United States, due to it’s IRS tax exempt status Scientology’s finances are somewhat protected from public scrutiny. Fortunately for us, the same is not the case in the UK, where Scientology operates through an Australian-registered charity called Church of [continue reading…]