Featured Government News UK

Scientology reps schmooze East Grinstead Councillors at annual town meeting

Scientology officials were out in full force on Tuesday at East Grinstead’s annual town meeting in a desperate attempt to schmooze local councillors amid growing concern among locals about the group’s influence on the town.

Featured Government News UK

Council refuses to meet Scientology victims, but says they’ve “been heard”

East Grinstead Town Council have once again refused to meet with local residents who claim they were abused at the Church of Scientology’s headquarters in the town and are concerned about their close relationship with the Mayor and other Councillors.

Corruption Featured Government Lawsuits News UK

ICO rules against East Grinstead Town Council on Scientology censorship issue

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has today ruled that a February 2024 Freedom of Information Act (FOI) request seeking the minutes of an East Grinstead Town Council meeting during which members of the public raised concerns about the growing influence of [continue reading…]

Corruption Featured Government News UK

Residents furious at “shameful” East Grinstead Town Council after calling Scientology activist a “bully”

Local residents have described East Grinstead Town Council as “shameful” after it accused an activist of “employing bullying tactics” against Councillors and denied a Freedom of Information Act request for a transcript of a recent Council meeting.