Dublin Org is failing, Scientology stats show

Scientology’s Dublin ‘Ideal Org’ is celebrating it’s seventh anniversary and a leaked message sent to parishioners paints a dire picture for what they describe as the ‘world’s fastest growing religion’.

We took a look at the stats, and here’s our analysis of the state of Scientology’s biggest Org in Ireland:

It is Dublin Org’s 7th Anniversary!!!  

Hard to believe seven years have already gone by since we first opened our Ideal Org doors.  

So much has happened, that it would be hard to do a full summary, so here are just a few of our accomplishments!

That’s right, we have welcomed over 380,000 people through our front doors since we opened! And it is not slowing down — we have another 2,200 over the next 3 days! This number is over 5% of the Irish population!

And we have successfully held over 2,350 events and activities, that is an average of 6 every single week!

With all those people making it through our doors, we have had some fun! Everything from family days, charity concerts, dance competitions, football matches, dog shows, religious celebrations and literally anything that comes to mind, we’ve most likely done it!

380,000 people may seem like a lot, but Scientology count the number of people entering the building on a daily basis – not the total number of individuals. So if you were a staff member working there 7 days a week, you would account for 365 ‘people’ a year, or 2,555 over the 7 year period… This works out to be an average of 148 people per day.

While all of that has been happening, we have been delivering like mad.  

Over the past 7 years, we have 6436 completions from our students and preclears!

That includes many permanently trained Auditors, Supervisors and other technical staff from numerous missions and field groups from 15 different countries!

A completion could be anything from a major auditing action to a small book course that could easily be finished in a day. 6,436 completions over 7 years equates to 17 per week, or 2.5 per day. If they’ve welcomed 380,000 people through their doors over the same period, this suggests only one in 60 visitors actually completes any kind of Scientology course.

We love to get people to Clear and NED Case Completion and in fact have made 113 Clears since our Grand Opening!  And many of these have since moved onto their OT Levels in Advanced Organizations around the planet!

We love to help everyone move up the Bridge and public have flown to Dublin from around the world – in fact from 61 countries in total!  

113 Clears made in 7 years means Dublin Org are averaging 16 a year, or 1.3 per month. At this rate, it would take 91,134 years to Clear the population of Dublin.. and 330,100 years to Clear the entirety of Ireland.. and that’s not taking population growth into account.

That means our many auditors have been VERY busy, delivering over 73,000 auditing hours!  

And not just in English, but our auditors also speak Irish, Russian, Macedonian, Czech, Ukrainian, Slovak, Latvian and Croatian!

And with 380,000 in through our doors, our Café has been busy. Most who visit eat a full meal, if not sit down for coffee or tea! In fact, we have served over 1 million since we opened!

I hope you enjoyed this!

We certainly have enjoyed our last 7 years!

It’s a great time to come to Dublin Org. Hope to see you soon!


Your Dublin team

73,000 auditing hours equates to an average of 28 hours a day – or two, full time auditors delivering services 12 hours a day. Former Scientologist Pete Griffiths, who lives in Ireland, says “If they have served over a million in the cafe yet only had 380,000 through the door that means most of them went up for seconds.

“These figures don’t bear scrutiny unless you count each staff member showing up for duty each and every day and all the parents and kids duped into attending the numerous activities designed to make scientology  appear normal. Maybe they should offer massages because those numbers have certainly had a good rub.”

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Alexander Barnes-Ross https://www.scientologybusiness.com

Scientology Business provides analysis and commentary on the Church of Scientology's corporate structure, business operations and functions in the United Kingdom and Europe. The website looks at Scientology's shell companies, financial records and maps the web of international corporate entities responsible for their UK and European activities.

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