Corruption News

East Grinstead Hospital Criticised for Accepting ÂŁ50,000 Scientology Donation

East Grinstead’s Queen Victoria Hospital, which is renowned for its reconstructive surgery and burns care, accepted a ÂŁ50,000 donation from the Church of Scientology in October 2017 despite criticism from local opinion leaders. Featured in this BBC News article by John [continue reading…]

Corporate Structure COSRECI Featured News Tax Exemption

How Scientology Failed to Obtain Tax-Exempt Status in the UK

Scientology operates in the UK under an entity known as COSRECI, or Church of Scientology Religious Education College, Inc, which is an Australian-registered Charity that operates exclusively in the UK. The entirety of Scientology’s UK activities operate through COSRECI, including its [continue reading…]

COSRECI Featured Finances News

Scientology’s 2022 UK Financial Documents

Last month Scientology’s UK corporation known as the Church of Scientology Religious Education College Inc (COSRECI), filed their latest accounts with the Australian Charities & Not-for-profits Commission. The filings reveal an overall annual income of $26,562,014, up $3 million on the [continue reading…]