Scientology targeting Croydon with human rights message, despite abuse allegations
Scientology workers have been spreading propaganda in south London once again, this time under the banner of their ‘United For Human Rights’ front group.
Scientology workers have been spreading propaganda in south London once again, this time under the banner of their ‘United For Human Rights’ front group.
The Church of Scientology have a well documented history of harassing and intimidating former members and critics through its policy they call ‘Fair Game’. Although Scientology claims the policy was revoked years ago, it dictates how to handle those who it [continue reading…]
The latest edition of International Scientology News is here and once again, we thought it’d be fun to dissect some of their facts and figures to help us understand the state of Scientology globally.
TFL has issued an apology for causing offence by allowing three Scientology billboards to be displayed at Tottenham Court Road Underground station, but denied the campaign broke advertising rules.
A private tuition company run by two Church of Scientology London staff members has removed misleading claims that they have a partnership with West Sussex County Council, after they were found out to be false.
The Church of Scientology’s new marketing campaign is causing a stir in London after a user posted a photo of their latest ad on the London Underground system.
Volunteer Ministers based at the Church of Scientology’s UK headquarters near East Grinstead have been targeting children in hospitals across the country, photos from the latest Saint Hillier magazine show.
Last July, we shared Scientology’s leaderboard of top donors to it’s UK ‘Ideal Org’ program and thanks to a reader who sent us the latest copy of Saint Hillier magazine, we’re now able to bring you an updated list.
The Mayor of East Grinstead, Steve Ody, attended the Church of Scientology’s Saint Hill headquarters in November in an official capacity to turn on their Christmas lights at an elaborate ceremony attended by their parishioners; despite previous criticism from residents and the national press.
In his final days as the Church of Scientology’s international spokesperson, Mike Rinder stood in the doors of the London Test Centre on Tottenham Court Road vehemently defending his faith to BBC Panorama journalist John Sweeney, who had questioned whether their [continue reading…]