The Foster Report: the UK government’s inquiry into Scientology

In 1971 Sir John Foster, K.B.E., Q.C., M.P., published the findings of his official inquiry into the Church of Scientology’s activities in the United Kingdom. Commissioned by the government, the enquiry was tasked with reviewing whether the practice of Scientology should be deemed a risk to the country and although it stopped short of banning the group, it concluded Scientology was in fact a dangerous form of psychotherapy and that changes to legislation were needed to prevent the exploitation of children and vulnerable adults.

The inquiry was extensive and examined in great detail Scientology’s so-called ‘religious doctrine’, administrative policy letters and financial records. On the latter Sir John noted “the other matter which deserves attention is the failure of a number of the Scientology companies to file accounts and annual returns within the time prescribed by the law, without apparently incurring any sanction at the hands of the Registrar of Companies. These sanctions seem to me pointless if they are not enforced.”

On psychotherapy, the report concluded “the possibilities of harm to the patient from the abuse, or the unskilled use, of these techniques are at least as great as the possibilities of good in the right hands.”

And on Scientology management: “There are in this Report quotations from the Scientology leadership’s internal policy documents which display an attitude wholly different from that expressed to the public in general, and especially to potential recruits”

The Foster Report has never been overturned or dismissed and remains the only official UK government enquiry into Scientology’s practices. In the years that followed, a case involving Scientology ended up in the High Court where Mr. Justice Latey ruled the organisation “is corrupt, sinister and dangerous”… a judgement that was upheld on appeal, and stands to this day. And lets not forget the Charity Commission’s 1999 ruling, which was reaffirmed in 2023 in a statement clarifying their position that “Scientology does not benefit the public.”

Nonetheless to this day, former members continue to report that abuse is prevalent throughout the organisation and a brief search on social media will show Scientology’s practice of harassing and intimidating its critics continues.

To any government officials, civil servants, town councillors, journalists or law enforcement officers in the UK that are wondering what the UK government’s stance on Scientology is… please read the Foster Report.


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Alexander Barnes-Ross

Scientology Business provides analysis and commentary on the Church of Scientology's corporate structure, business operations and functions in the United Kingdom and Europe. The website looks at Scientology's shell companies, financial records and maps the web of international corporate entities responsible for their UK and European activities.

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